Sunday, September 5, 2010

EDEN in MADH Island

The Little Angels Ashram-Orphanage in Mumbai India
Tousha and her kids
The hut has been demolished
and is currently being
reconstructed as a ground
plus one floor structure. The
orphanage has raised funds
covering only a fourth of the
estimated cost.
CLICK here to
support this
Project Eden is aimed at supporting this orphanage financially and providing
a consistent supply of resources for food, clothing, Bibles and school books. It
is anticipated that part of the project plan (Phase 2) will also involve the
expansion and renovation of the orphanage
As I reflected on my life, I had a lot to thank God for. He has blessed me with
family, friends and relatives. I have so much, yet I experienced a void in my
life. I felt like life had to be more than just living for ourselves. Yes, it is
great to have the necessities and luxuries, but what about a purpose. Surely
God had a greater purpose in mind when He created us. Of course He did, we
were made to glorify Him

In my prayers, I began to seek direction. I asked the Lord to guide me in the
direction He wanted for me. And as I prayed, after approximately 8 months,
God laid it on my heart that He wanted me to start an orphanage in India. I
was born in India, spent my teen years in the U.S.A. and migrated to Canada
after I started a family. Being born and raised in India, I saw a lot of poverty.
Poverty in India is prevalent and widespread. It is heartbreaking to watch
lovely children live with no hope or future. When I was a child, I often
wondered about a solution to such a big problem. God laid it on my heart that
the solution was a little one - give the children hope and show them love.
At first, I felt overwhelmed with what God was asking my family to do, and I
had fears and doubts. My biggest fear was the feasibility of overseeing a
project this big, from so far away in Canada. But when God asks you to do
something, he gives you the resources to follow through. He brought me to
the realization that I needed someone who has a heart for God and wants to
serve him selflessly. Someone we can trust in India to run this orphanage,
while I do all I can to support this initiative at this end.

In that vein, I came across The Little Angel's Ashram that is run by Joanna
Buthello. It's an orphanage located in Madh Island, Mumbai, and is currently
home to 65 orphaned children. Mrs Buthello who is a retired school teacher
and is a Christian woman who serves the Lord with all her heart, has turned
her little 300 sq ft home into an orphanage where she teaches the children by
day and turns the premises into a home at night. During the day, the children
put up the blackboards to study. At night the girls retire inside the house and
the boys sleep out in the yard.

Project Eden's goal is to support this orphanage initially, and also support
other such orphanages in India. To provide hope to the children who are the
future. To love them and show them that there are people in this world who
still care to make it a better place. To share the gospel so they have
nourishment for their soul, to help them to get an education and empower
them as individuals to make their life a success, so they may also "pay it
forward". To expand the orphanage so that it may be a home for more
children. And most importantly, glorify God by living a life in service to those
in need.
Mark and Tousha PintoProject Lead Members
Sanitary facilities are a
challenge... Till a couple of
years ago, there was only one
toilet and many of the
children had to defecate in
an open field nearby. About
two years ago, some local
benefactors built two more
toilets. However, 65 children
sharing just three very basic
toilets is a tough juggling act.


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